Welcome to Pets, People and Me, a community of characters that sparks imagination and comes to life in books written for young children ages 3-6. Themes in the books encourage laughter, kindness, compassion, teamwork, facing struggles, and most of all, the importance of family and friends. Many of the characters are based on family members. Whether domesticated or wild, animals serve as teachers to us all.
Georgette, my West Highland white terrier, was a part of our family for fourteen years.
Georgette's life with our family served as the inspiration for the Georgette series, including all of the character storylines. While the stories were in my head, drawing is not my forte! Fate put Toby Cowan, the Illustrator of our books into my world. Toby captured Georgette's essence in his illustrations of her. Barbara Owens, the Contributing Editor of our books, is an Educator and has been instrumental with teaching concepts within the books.
As a result of our combined efforts, and 3 years of planning and re-planning, Georgette's Day in the City and Georgette’s Day in the Country are available now. Other titles, Georgette's Day in the Mountains, Smokey and Sam, Cheddar's Barn, and They Play will be available in 2020.
As Georgette says, " Leave a kind Paw Print."